Project 60:60:60 is a National Visioning Initiative to signpost
the attainment to signpost of the milestone of 60 by Nigeria
Every nation optimised such landmarks as a moment for introspection, reflection about how far she has come in the nationhood trajectory and projects into the future on the basis of prevailing realities.
Today the greatest challenge our nation and people face is the bludgeoning incidence of under employment, unemployment and joblessness, at the dawn of the 60th anniversary, the nation is heading for recession with 39.4 million jobs under threat, made worse by the yet to abate raging COVID-19 PANDEMIC.
This is what has informed the initiative code named PROJECT 60:60:60 as a complementary private sector driven effort to make the next decade i e 2020-2030, one to make "raising of NEW ENTREPRENEURS" A PERMANENT AGENDA and activity and not an isolated event.
One of the goals is to establish 37 "ENTREPRENEUR LABORATORIES" in ALL THE STATES of Nigeria.
This vision starts this year as part of our 60th year Independence Anniversary with the selection of 60 young people with workable creative ideas, skills, vision from the 6 GEOPOLITICAL ZONES on the basis of their entries submitted via the www.nigeriaat60.com.ng
The successful ones will attend the 60th INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY ENTREPRENEUR BOOT CAMP and thereafter will be given STARTUP CAPITALS OR BUSINESS SUPPORT FUND to take off under guided application of the funds and operational supervision.
The objectives of this initiative in the short and long term is the interest and well being of our people and nation as we approach the new decade, lest we ignore the imminent implications of a nation under threat of socio economic disruptions if we do not act fast to arrest the drift.
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