Mr Universe and Miss Tourism Enugu 2016

"Do not wait for anyone to prepare the way for you, do it yourself. And I can confidently tell you that the key is starting on time and hard work!!!" Miss Tourism Enugu 2015 Miss Tourism Nigeria globe 2016 .Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals, and to imagine that together we can do great things. Winners are selected not elected. (WHO IS THE NEXT MR UNIVERSE ENUGU AND MISS TOURISM ENUGU 2016) ITS THE BIGGEST MALE AND FEMALE STATE PAGEANT IN COAL CITY.... TELL YOURSELF, YOUR BROTHER AND SISTER, YOUR COLLEAGUES AND YOUR FRIENDS..... The 2nd edition of Mr Universe and Miss Tourism Enugu pageant is here.. Registration is on.. So tell your brother and sister, your friend, your neighbour and even your ward... THEME: MY HERITAGE OPEN TO EVERY SOUTH-EAST AND SOUTH-SOUTH MAN AND LADY AGE 18-28 PRICES: - A BRAND NEW CAR - AUTOM...