I have read and learnt that you must not cede the ground to evil because when you do, it festers.
And evil festers it takes territories, become entrenched and more difficult to uproot. It takes no prisoners .
The fate and fortune of the continent of Africa cannot be realised no matter what we do if we do not lock hands to restore the unity that the forebears of this continent unequivocally committed themselves to way back in 1945.
Now could time have paled into insignificance the vision of one UNITED Africa as they fought for?
Does the realities that Africans face today not compel us to revisit the vision of our forebears? So how has the sporadic conflicts and incidences of sporadic violence that has been inflicted made it a better place to prosper.
All manner of violence from ethnic to gender, to xenophobia and other have restrained us to a point where a black man in Ghana is morbidly suspicious of another blackman in Nigeria, South Africans are growing intolerant of their brothers in Zimbabwe, Somalis are affected in Angola .
This is not the picture that our forebears saw way back in 1945 at that meeting in Manchester, from which they all rose in one accord charged by the words of Kwame Nkrumah that every one should go and prepare their states for independence.
The Independent states became countries as we now have them and 70 years later Africans are making Africa hostile to themselves while those who kept them in Chains walk free and benefit from ripping us apart.
This is the mission that we have chosen to roll back the hands of the clock on, we must see ourselves beyond individuals and different nationals but be guided by our heritage and historical realities.
If we do not we will all be back in our chains!!
We will be victims politically, economically, materially, socially and culturally because divide we fall UNITED we stand.
Historically have we forgotten the gate of no return? Have we forgotten how our fore fathers slaves it out on sugar plantations and how they were sold and traded like common animals?
So all these realities must drown and when it does are we going to rewrite our history?
This is the charge that we have committed ourselves ultimately to. Criminals abound from all races, Pan Africanism does not shield crime and criminals, we must subject criminals to trials and fair hearing wherever they misbehave but one thing we MUST not do is criminalise being black anywhere on the continent of Africa.
All the factors that still typify Africa as a continent still struggling to take her place in the 21st century particularly conflicts and violence must be frontally dealt with.
It is time for Africans from Daesalam to Durban , Lagos to Lesotho, Cassablanca to Capetown to go back in time and reflect deeply about how Africa has fared since 1945..
It is time for brothers to be brothers again, Sisters to be Sisters again.
There must be a reason why Africa is the only continent called the MOTHERLAND, and when family members, brothers against brothers, nieces versus nieces, nephews at the throat of nephews , all are locked in any form of intractable violence and conflict, we would either allow our prized porcelain pots to fall to the ground and shatter into pieces or strangers will walk into our home and leave with our prized patrimony.
We at #ONEUNITEDAFRICA have therefore decided to herald our #PEOPLE TO #PEOPLE initiatives with a #1000 #man #MARCH #FOR #MOTHERLAND in MARCH!
This is the break of a long walk into our future as Africans, this is not a campaign it is a crusade where all Africans must be evangelists.
We need to confront our realities, imagine 54 cousins on the continent hating themselves for any reason? Whatever prosperity that we are focusing on at the expense of our unity will be imperilled.
A hostile environment is antithetical to development.
We are therefore taking the crusade to the streets where the real people are outside of the cozy rooms of diplomats reserved for fine "diplomatese" and bilateral palliatives.
We must conscientise ourselves, moderate our extreme positions by our shared history, we must raise a new generation of 21st century Pan Africanists, among the mobile phone driven millennials, we want to inform, educate, enlighten and sensitise the young people, thereby close the yawning gap between the Nyereres and the young ones of the information age glued to #instagraming", #twitting and "#Facebooking"
This is the charge.
When they say blacks dont crack it means much more than the melanin laden tensile strength of our skin!
We lose our identity , our pride is gone.
Join us as we plan and prepare for this great event.
Let's lock hands and #march for #Mama. This is a noble duty.
One United Africa is our umbrella from the rains of uncertainty, it is our shield against fiery darts, it's our refuge and habitation against the uncertainties and vagaries of a fascist world.
For details please chat on whazap the number on the flier. +2348035147491.
Please join the crusade on all our platforms
#WEBSITE. - www.oneunitedafrica.org
Thank you and see you there.
#Congressman #bimbo #Daramola
March 2: 2020
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