As African leaders converge on Addis Ababa, the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Antonio Guterres said in describing the relationship between AU and the UN as one of the most important partnerships in the world said "..a partnership that is committed to responding to the anxieties and aspirations of the African people and having way for a better future for us all."
The above coming from the current Commonwealth Secretary General, whose predecessor in person of the first and only black Commonwealth Secretary General Chief #Emeka #Anyaoku had already fully endorsed this initiative, is very reassuring because this clearly attests to an undeniable fact that on the continent of Africa today the anxieties and aspirations are recognisable! And that it must be responded to, that way we will herald a better future for us all!
Now in a continent where there is veiled hatred and growing resentment, a manifestation of that was in September 2019, thesame week of World Economic Forum, consequent upon which many Africans lost their live unnecessarily, properties were destroyed, displacement of people , these are realities that will continue to fuel #anxieties and #compromise #aspirations to #CONTINENTAL #prosperity and well being.
As African leaders gather to discuss , the AFRICA 2020:#ONEUNITEDAFRICA crusade team wishes them very fruitful deliberations and hope that their interactions and discussions at personal and corporate levels will be very #frank, #contextual and #contemporary.
We cannot Afford a continent, hitherto referred to as MOTHERLAND by our forebears, that the predecessors of the current leaders dreamt, live and worked for become just a location where all that now takes the front burner today are only issues about enterprise, commerce and economic profiteering while annihilating the ideals of our pristine Pan Africanism that our forebears espoused.
There must be a non negotiable and undeniable, proven commitment and unshaken will to pursue and achieve the renaissance of a borderless Afrocentrism philosophy and in real terms from the deepest recesses of our hearts and rooted in our identity and our common history and heritage.
This is what the #Africa 2020:#ONEUNITEDAFRICA #crusade is all about.
Later this year, we will be presenting one million,(1,000,000) signatures behind this core objective with clear irreducible minimum demand to the AU to make Africa, every inch of the ground of the continent safe and secure for every African, that Africa will truly be home for Africans from Lagos to Lusaka, Cairo to Capetown.
Never again must Africans be criminalised for being Africans, Criminals and Crimes must be punished, because being an African does not make us criminals.
This continent cannot afford the seed of hate and resentment to grow, if we do and it grows to assume a fuller stature and status, then we are all imperilled, in one way or the other we will be victims!
Our wellbeing and wellness ECONOMICALLY, POLITICALLY, SOCIALLY, INDIVIDUALLY OR CORPORATELY is intrinsically linked to the unity among Africans.
We do not want to test that truism.
The extent of what happened in September 2020, the retaliatory action from Nigeria, the foreboding implications of deportation of Yvonne Chaka Chaka from Uganda on 31st December 2019, the masked resentment laden statements and snide remarks, retorts and repartee from some Africans about other African nationals must be terminated now.
We welcome and congratulate President #Cyril #Rhamaphosa as the new Chairman of the African Union, and his assumption of this position places a huge burden on his shoulders and more than ever before, all eyes are on him to live up to the expectations of this new role and the responsibility that comes with it.
President Rhamaphosa will be measured by the success he will achieve in terms of healing cracks in relationships and restoration of amity on the continent, and how fast we restore and relive the vision that we inherited from our foremost leaders on the continent, one of whom was his predecessor, the iconic MADIBA, President Nelson Mandela.
Congratulations President Cyril Rhamaphosa of South Africa and our warmest felicitation to the other African leaders.
We wish you all a very fruitful experience in Adis.
#Congressman #Bimbo #Daramola
#Abuja, #Nigeria
10th February 2020
#ONEUNITEDAFRICA- is a continental crusade organisation for rennaisance of Pan Africanism through PEOPLE TO PEOPLE INITIATIVES as a vital complement of #GOVERNMENT TO #GOVERNMENT bilateral and diplomatic efforts.
We are taking the #REAL #MESSAGE to the #REAL #PEOPLE on the Streets of Africa.
Healing starts from what is known, believed,accepted in the hearts and manifests on the streets.
Some of the initiatives are as posted here.
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