Its Very heartwarming reading the observation and post of Bar.

Ismael, Special Assistant to President Buhari.
He correctly posited that our party has a lot of work to do.
My suggestion is that we do not delay or deter any longer or postpone the evil day by waiting till 2023, that will not be pragmatic.
Ismaeel my bro. Let the work begin NOW.
It starts with our party deciding for Equity and Justice at the National Assembly election PARTICULARLY in the House of Representatives.
Southwest geopolitical zone having secured the Vice President position even after coming 4th at the 2019 elections must accord the North Central geopolitical zone that came 3rd, the earned place in zoning of political positions.
Remember Peter Tosh said don't give me peace, give me justice.
Let the work begin from now and from here.
Hon. Umaru Mohammed Bago
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