Script2Screen Africa: Rodrigo, 5 Others Evicted Another 14 Up For Eviction

In an emotion laden show, the sojourn of Rodrigo Member and 5 other delegates at the ongoing TV reality show, Script2Screen
Africa: Focus Nigeria, has come to an end as they become the first sets of evicted movie makers.
At the eviction show today, the 14 delegates who were nominated for eviction were each given a chance to defend their productions and convince Juries why they should not be evicted but, at the of the show, only 7 delegates were saved and the audience's votes was only able to save just one candidate.
However, the 6 evicted delegates; Kumolu Johnson, Asuama inyang, Rodrigo member, David morakinyo, Babatunde ogunbiyi and Oby eze; were all given a grand royal departure as a private chauffeur was employed to take the to there respective destinations, while some took flight.
As if this will be all, another sets of 14 delegates have been put up for possible eviction.
They are now faced with herculean task of making it to the final final stages of the project.
As it is, the coming weeks promises to be more interesting.
But all you need to vote your favourite contestant back into the house is to visit - and vote.
2018 Script2Screen Africa Reality TV Show: Focus Nigeria; which has started since March 24 and will end on April 21, is supported by John D & Katherine T MacArthur Foundation and endorsed by Federal Ministry of
Youths and Sports.
Now showing live on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays on Wazobia Max (Wednesday 10:30pm); Wazobia TV; AMC Channels and Silverbird TV.
You can also subscribe to their YouTube channel on HDFA TV
htts:// and to watch, follow up and vote for your favorite finalists.
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