How Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse Prophesied Hage Godfrey, Netunbo Nandi emergence as President, Vice-President of Namibia

How Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse Prophesied Hage Godfrey, Netunbo Nandi emergence as President, Vice-President of Namibia’
South African based Nigerian Prophet, Samuel Akinbodunse is at it again as his prophecy on the election of Namibia is has come topass . The Prophet, who is the general overseer of Freedom For all Nations Outreach (FANO) and CEO Of FANO TV, South Africa prophesied that the Incumbent President, Hage Godfrey Geingob retain power and the vice president will be a female.
He first said this during a live service at his church on October 29, 2017 before election of the party the President belongs to.
In his words ‘I want to say this to everyone, and to those who are in Namibia, I don’t just talk, but I am still seeing the existing president still carrying on in Namibia, I know that some people who wants to President out will hate me but the voice of God must be established and I am seeing a woman as the deputy, It’s not yet time for a Lady president to rule Namibia, they still need a rugged strong man.
Similarly, on the 12th of October, he prophesied that he still sees the same thing, urging the citizens of Namibia to maintain peace
‘’ Namibia, let there be peace, the President that is ruling you is still going to rule you, I’m not a politician and thats why I can open my mouth to declare the word of God. No matter what anyone does, he will still be the one to rule’
In confirmation, on the 25th-26th of November 2017, the party which the president belong to, SWAPO Congress held their election and the Current President, Hage Godfrey emerged as the President of the Party while a woman, Netunbo Nandi-Ndaitwah emerged as the first Vice- President of the Party, making the Prophecy on a right track of confirmation.
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