A Covenant By Congressman Bimbo Daramola

#CARE FOR #PARTY AND #APC #PARTY #SUPREMACY #REASSURED - a covenant by #Congressman #Bimbo #Daramola
As i have said to you at our meetings; If I by the grace of God and support of the elders, leaders;delegates and party members emerge as candidate of our great party, I will attend party meetings at the party office and at least once a month attend ward meeting in Ire Ward 2. Ekiti State.
This is not only to acknowledge but to continually express my appreciation to the party for giving me the opportunity to flag the banner of the party and the platform.
This is to demonstrate my commitment to party supremacy and to lead a restoration of the party to her pride of place as it was in the beginning.
All of my 12 years in politics ; I have done all within my powers to promote our party as an unrepentant party man, committed my modest means and energy to promoting the ideals of the party even through our darkest and midnight hours, being a shield and succour to party faithful in moments of anxiety; grief and pains.
It is time to make the long suffering members of our party get reward for their years of toils, and I am able suited to do so because we have travelled same road together for years.
They know me and I know them.
Their history is my history.
Their hopes will find a warm embrace in the aspiration that I am pursuing.
New party members also have assurances of a place of safety from the hailstorm that led them into the safe haven that our party has become simply because some forebears paid the price for where our party is today .
Nothing will change this CREED. It's a covenant.
Once again party leaders and excos from the ward to the state will be proud to say they have justification for leading of our party from ward through local government to state .
The #APCpartyExcos will be consulted and taken along in matters of appointment into positions, and benefits from being excos of party in government will no longer be a fairy tale.
I believe the party must be given due recognition and nurtured.
For those who need reassurances about what ibam saying here, let them ask my leaders of the party when i had the opportunity to represent Ekiti North federal constituency at the 7th House of Representatives.
My #Abomire( yearly feedback event) 1; 2 and 3 had the inputs of the ward chairmen and excos apart from being beneficiaries themselves.
My commitment to the party is Not limited to my ward or local government but even to national where in 2012 I singularly repainted the #NATIONAL #PARTY #SECRETARIAT that was badly defaced and shabby looking. This is my history with the party and as a party man!.
I Congressman Bimbo Daramola will NOT DO ANY LESS NOW!
I am a party man with pride and I will make the party and the excos happy again from ward to National because I owe a lot to the party.
Reputation validates Promises.
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