My heart bleeds! Wasted talents, Scientists, Literary Giants, Legal luminaries
This could have been Me!
These are potential Medical Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers etc.
But here you find a conspiracy of fate and sometime the compromise of their parents who may just be DELEGATES WHO COLLECTED TOKENS THE NIGHT BEFORE PRIMARIES, OR THEY ARE VOTERS WHO SOLD THEIR VOTES ON ELECTION DAY. SAYING THEY CAN’T BE BOTHERED WHO LEADS!!!
This is what you get when you allow yourself to live for now without future in perspective.
The choices you make determines the consequences of your action .
No intimidation, Psychological Bullying, Inducement should make anybody PARTICULARLY to compromise the future, because generations unborn may suffer PERMANENTLY as a result of that.
I plead with those who are blinded by loyalty without positive impact, or those bent on sacrificing fact for fiction to please take a look at these innocent young boys and girls( pictures not from Ekiti but there are counterparts in Ekiti) and imagine them in consulting rooms as medical doctors, if they had education, or in the temple of justice defending the law if their parents had been able to keep them through school.
This is the burden driving me to seek the highest position of service in Ekiti State in 2018 so that we will ensure that every child regardless of circumstance of birth or place of extraction can give life a fighting chance. Fate may not win with cruel blows every time if the right environment is in place.
This is my mission. A greater Ekiti is possible. Let us do it together. #EKITI #YOUTH#UNITE
May God bless our leaders, stakeholders (internal and external) and our delegates .
The future of Ekiti is in your hands. It’s worth fighting for.! Let these pictures stay in your mind as the struggle for the ticket and ultimately who leads our dear state gets into full swing.
Please pass this information to as many as possible. It’s more important than my aspiration. !!
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