It amazes me when some people think this next election is a joke, this is the future of Ekiti at stake!
I won’t ever have to look for job, worry about admission into University or by the grace of God where my breakfast, lunch or dinner, will come from nor wether my father will get his pension! Or need to worry about hospital bills or scared about what future holds!
These and more are the issues at stake as we inch closer by the day to the Ekiti 2018 Primary election. It would still seem some people don’t get it.
My dear brothers, Party men , women; faithful, leaders, these are the issues at stake.
This is not a joke. We can’t afford to gamble our future away.
If this is about me and my self it won’t be worth it.
Because by the grace of God apart from or better still in addition to my faith in God, and all things considered in the modest of all terms and all estimation, God has been kind to me beyond my expectations.
I live under so much of His grace that it has become a weight upon my conscience to consider the plight of the poor who the bible says will always be amidst us but He also enjoins us to care for the poor and the weak.
He said whoever takes care of the poor lends into God.
This is one of the reasons why i am doing all to ensure that I discharge what would be a guilt burden if i choose to look away.
I may not be able to tell the heart of other aspirants and what they have in stock or what their leadership will imply for our dear state and our beleaguered people from 2018, but by their works we should judge them.
How do we put our fate and that of generations unborn in untested, unknown or shaky and unstable hands or those who we know who they are and what they had done in different capacities before.
This is not a time to fold arms.
All men and women of goodwill and conscience are to shake off lethargy and indifference and give our dear state and challenged people one more fighting chance to earn a place where our identity is restored and our dignity brought back in place.
Our future is too expensive to be gambled with or take with levity.
I urge all you my compatriots, sons and daughters of Ekiti, lovers and friends of Ekiti to join me to restore our pristine identity, raise the bar of morality and values ,embedded in these are the development and productive environment for the realisation of our lofty individual and corporate dreams.
To our dearly beloved delegates , you will have to wait 4 long years to make amends yet again if we let this moment of decision slip by design of getting hoodwinked; succumbing to threats or harassment or falling prey to momentary monetary gratification , at best tokens.
One thing I put most humbly before you is my reputation either as a die hard or dye in wool party man of twelve years of unbroken service and commitment laced with dedication propelled records , or the record of my one term member house of representatives.
Today again, I kid you not, I will SERVE Ekiti and our party with the dedication as never seen realising that we are in the boat together, I ‘ll rather our destinies swim to safety than sink. This is a covenant with you.
I represent a veritable bridge between our belaboured past, challenged present and great future.
A greater Ekiti is possible . That s the future I see and committed to see come to pass innour life time and generations unborn will be proud that we fought back and our forebears will smile in satisfaction that their labours have not been in vain .
I plead with you to join me, my junior brothers and sisters and friends , my seniors and our elders to make this a reality. I will NOT DISSAPPPOINT YOU.
Thank you , God bless you all; God bless Ekiti State.
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