Is President Muhammadu Buhari Dead?
The question "Is President Muhammadu Buhari Dead?" has been a major question most Nigerians have been scared to ask out loud but keep pondering about possible answers. We have been made to understand by his vice Yemi Osibanjo and his spokes man that the president is in a good health condition and would be back in Nigeria to resume his presidential duties soon. The phrase "Soon" is gradually getting most Nigerian upset but at the same time do not have much more options than to settle with what the president's aides has said. Anyway, while I was being curious about the president's health condition, I decided to ask a few Nigerians for their opinions. Below are the response I got.

Femi Oyewale. (Journalist)
Yes I believe the president is still alive. However, his condition I suspect is critical. He might be in a state of coma.
Ojeme Samuel.
Fact still remains that it is only what they want us to hear and know about our president that is made available to us bcos we can not get to where he is. So answering Yes or No is dicy.
Then, his state of health will not be hidden for this long if it is not truly bad.

Don Leo (Artiste)
I think President Muhammadu Buhari is very much alive but in a very critical health state.

Orji Okorafor (Blogger)
He isn't dead but possibly in an intensive state.

Uwem Umoh
Yes I believe President Muhammadu Buhari is very much alive but is quite ill.

Itunuoluwa Elizabeth ( Entrepreneur)
Yes he is alive and must still be under serious observation.
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