I Am One Very Patient Person - Amanda Ebeye
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Amanda Ebeye |
Tell us something we do not know about Amanda Ebeye.
She is a homely person, and a calm person.
How has role interpretation changed your life?
It has changed me in different aspects because I have learnt a lot from the different characters I have played in different movies. It has also broadened my way of thinking.
Of all the movie scripts you have been given to interpret, which has affected you positively. Which have you adopted into your lifestyle as a lesson?
Evwry script is interesting, I learn from every script, but I don't think any script has changed me.
What are you presently working on?
Am working on a movie titled the green necklace, I have another promotion I have been working on for a while, and other couple of important things.
What is acting yet to do for you?
So far I am good. I don't really expect so much. What I have gotten so far, I like.
Share some of your aspirations with us.
That would be to claim all the awards someday. And for everybody to be able to associate with the name Amanda Ebeye.
The last time I read about you, I discovered you weren't dating. Are you presently in a relationship?
No I am not.
Do you feel being in a relationship would be a distraction to your career?
I don't think so, I am not just in a relationship right now. I don't think being in any would distract my career.
Looking forward from now, when do you see your self getting married?
I don't know, that would happen when God wills it.
What has been your worse experience with an opposite see?
The worse experience, (Giggles) that would be a bunch of people sayin to me "Oh come and kiss us the same way you kiss in movies, or come and do us Like that." People think that what you do in movies is what you really are.
Tell Us about your struggles as an upcoming actress.
There was a whole lot of struggles. There were times I didn't have money, there were times I was so broke, there were times I got fed up, and tired. Having thoughts like, would I ever scale through, would I ever be known, and would anyone ever recognize, and give me credits for my hard works. But we thank God, so far, so good it got better. But at a time, it was a terrible experience.
Despite the discouragement, and all, what kept you going?
The big picture. I always knew things would get better. I am one very patient person. When I believe I am going to get something I can be patient for years to see it come through. So I knew, and I felt that one day I was going to get what I desired
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Amanda Ebeye |
So far none. Or maybe RMD. But he is old. He has always been my Crush, and he is still my Crush till date.
Any regrets so far?
None so far.
How extreme can u go a tho interpreting a role?
Very extreme. I can go to the end of the world to interpret a character. I love to show the world how deep I can be. I could go to any extreme. But I cannot go nude.
When you say extreme, would that also apply to having live sex?
No I can't. I can make believe, I don't do the actual thing.
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